Our Connections.
Other groups in the Square.
City of New Haven
Find a variety of services and lots of links to useful information. The city’s Office of Transportation, Traffic & Parking is the source for residential parking permits. The Department of Parks, Recreation and Trees is an important resource for us all. And the Department of Arts, Culture & Tourism is a great source of local events.
CT State Historic Preservation Society
The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) administers a range of federal and state programs that identify, register and protect the buildings, sites, structures, districts and objects that comprise Connecticut's cultural heritage. It seeks new opportunities for collaboration on restoration and community revitalization.
Downtown Wooster Square Community Mgmt Team
The DWSCMT consists of members of the community who have organized to serve as a forum for problem-solving, information exchange, and decision-making centering around neighborhood quality of life and public safety issues.
Open to all who are interested, DWSCMT meets with the Police Manager for Downtown/Wooster Square on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m., either at City Hall or on Zoom. This is also a great venue for people to express their wishes, concerns or desires for their neighborhood. The Management team has been in place for more than 20 years representing the Downtown/Wooster Square area.
Historic District Commission
The Historic District Commission's primary objective is to preserve and protect the distinctive architectural character of New Haven's Local Historic Districts. New Haven's Historic District Commission (HDC) was established in June 1970 under Article VI Section 54 of the City of New Haven Zoning Ordinance and other applicable local and state statutes.
See Click Fix
SeeClickFix by CivicPlus® is a 311 solution that empowers residents to report issues, identify repair needs, share feedback, and ask questions of their local government leaders. For local governments, it powers efficient and transparent workflows, fostering accountability and trust.
Town Green Special Services District
Town Green District is a business improvement district (BID) funded by a surtax on property in Downtown New Haven which is used to fund special projects and improvements within the district’s boundaries. Our core programs include clean and safe, placemaking, economic prosperity, marketing and promotions, and advocacy.
Wooster Square Info on the CT Town Green Website
Explore the state’s finest green spaces with Preservation Connecticut’s Town Greens website. Explore diverse town greens through virtual tours, reports, and more! They are icons of history, tradition, and community that may do more to identify the state as part of New England than almost any other element of the landscape.
Conte West Hills Magnet School
511 Chapel Street, New Haven, CT 06511
High School in the Community
175 Water Street, New Haven, CT 06511
Metropolitan Business Academy
115 Water Street, New Haven, CT 06511
Non-Profits & Social Services
Arts Council Greater New Haven
The Arts Council strives to advance Greater New Haven by providing leadership and support to its diverse arts community. It envisions a thriving arts community at the heart of Greater New Haven. Art, culture, and creativity are fundamental human rights.
City Seed Farmers Market
City Seed’s first – and still signature – Farmers Market is its Wooster Square Market, established in 2004. City Seed’s mission is to engage the community in growing an equitable, local food system that promotes economic development, community development and sustainable agriculture. Its vision is to create a sustainable model of local economy, urban community, regional agriculture, environmental stewardship, and well-being through food. The market is held every Saturday from May through December in the back parking area of Conte West Hills Magnet School when it moves inside. The market can be accessed from both Chapel St. and Greene Street.
Elm City Parks Conservancy
Elm City Parks Conservancy (ECPC) is a not-for-profit parks advocacy organization serving the New Haven parks system. Its mission is to strengthen public awareness of and participation in the city’s parks. They build partnerships with individuals, park friends groups, and other community-based organizations while sharing resources. ECPC’s scope is as broad as the New Haven Parks System, a network of over 100 parks and green spaces.
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity believes that everyone, everywhere should have a healthy, affordable place to call home. When a family helps build or improve a place they can call home, they are also building a better community, a better life for themselves.
Institute Library
Founded in 1826, the Institute Library provides quiet reading areas, a large circulating collection of up-to-date literature, unique programming and rich opportunities to engage with members and the surrounding neighborhoods of downtown New Haven.
Leadership, Education and Athletics in Partnership, Inc. (LEAP) was founded in 1992 by educators, students, and community activists to address the historic disinvestment in young people of color in our city. Then and now LEAP believes that young people have the intellect, enthusiasm, courage, and leadership potential to make real change. LEAP creates the space and marshals the resources so that young leaders can mentor, educate and care for the children of New Haven.
Liberty Community Services
Liberty provides housing at any point in time to at least 150 individuals with a retention rate of 90%. Some clients are housed at Liberty properties and others in private apartments.
Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry
Loaves and Fishes is a gathering place centered around community, offering food and clothing to our neighbors. It’s open every Saturday from 8:00–10:30 AM.
New Haven Preservation Trust
Since its founding in 1961, the NHPT has played a key role in the preservation and restoration of the New Haven Free Public Library, the New Haven Post Office and Federal Building, New Haven City Hall, the John Davies Mansion, Union Station, and countless private residences and commercial buildings throughout the city. Through advocacy, distribution of information, historic research, tours, and private consultations, the Trust continues to be New Haven’s advocate for the architectural heritage, including the modern architecture, that defines our city.
New Haven Land Trust
The New Haven Land Trust is a nonprofit organization dedicated to land conservation, environmental education, and community vegetable gardening in New Haven. It links with City Seed.
New Haven Museum
The New Haven Museum celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2012. Founded in 1862 as the New Haven Colony Historical Society, it was created by a group of leading New Haven citizens who feared the political and social upheavals that could occur with the outbreak of the Civil War. The New Haven Museum continues this tradition of preservation with a collection that includes folk, decorative and fine arts, an extensive photographic archive, and a unique manuscript collection.
Project M.O.R.E
Project M.O.R.E., Inc. was established in 1974 by a diverse group of individuals. Their resolve was to assist ex-offenders with re-entry into their community – thus the official name: Project Model Offender Reintegration Experience.
Safe Streets New Haven
The Safe Streets Coalition is a diverse, citywide group of pedestrians, cyclists, public transit riders, and drivers who advocate for just, safe, accessible and sustainable transportation in New Haven.
Sunrise Café
The mission of Sunrise Cafe is to develop and nurture deep connections – connections among guests, between guests and volunteers and between guests and the community. Sunrise provides a safe space for New Haven’s food insecure and unhoused to rest, have conversations and prepare for the day’s challenges with a full stomach. Sunrise’s free nutritious breakfast is served to all with warmth, friendship, compassion, kindness, dignity, support and respect. For many guests, the Cafe is also the entry point for housing, mental and physical health, and job placement services provided at the Cafe by partner organizations.
Urban Resources Initiative
URI is a not-for-profit university partnership that fosters community-based land stewardship, promotes environmental education, and advances the practice of urban forestry. URI has done a study of the status of the cherry trees in Wooster and helped acquire and plant replacement trees and other foliage. URI supplied all the plants and tools.
Youth Continuum
The Youth Continuum mission i to help young people stabilize and achieve independence. As a youth-centered organization, it is vital for Youth Continuum to not only lead young people, but to be led by young people.
Houses of Worship
St. Michael Church
St. Michael is a church located in Wooster Square. Its dome can be seen throughout the city. There is a 4:00 PM evening mass on Saturdays and a 9:30 AM Sunday mass.
St. Paul and St. James Church
Beyond spreading the Word of God in the traditional sense of the word “mission,” St. Paul’s has had a history of spreading care in the forms of fellowship, food, clothes, books, and more to vulnerable populations. As early as the 1850s and 60s, the Sunday School Teacher’s Society was created to help children in need, among other work.
Adriana's Restaurant & Wine Bar
Italian Restaurant
Cody's Diner
Neighborhood Diner
Consiglio's Restaurant
Italian Restaurant
Kaiyden's Coffee
Coffee Shop
Libby's Italian Pastry Shop
Italian Pastries
Lucibello's Italian Pastry Shop
Italian Pastries
New Line Blending & Roastery
Coffee and Tea Roastery
Pasta Eataliana
Italian Restaurant
Pepe's Pizza
Sally's Apizza
Taste of New Haven
Creating enjoyable leisure activities connecting people with local food, culture, history, and each other.
Tre Scalini Restaurant
Italian Restaurant
Zeneli Pizzeria e Cucina Napoletana
Italian Restaurant
Other Local Businesses
Hollywood Package Store
Iovanne Funeral Home
Italia Importing
Italian Importers
La Bella Vita Wines & Liquors
Law Offices of Gregory T. Lattanzi
Martone Dry Cleaners
Maresca & Sons Funeral Home
Ricciuti Hair
Raymar Custom Kitchen & Baths
Salon Lulu
Seabury Hill Realtors
Ungars Flooring America
Yale Surgical
And more every day!
Other Neighborhood Groups
Wooster Square Blossom Blogger
Long-time Wooster Square residents Bart & Cheryl have a blog that tracks the daily progress of the cherry trees in the park and neighborhood-wise. Check it out regularly.
Wooster Square Cooks
A highly popular Facebook page, Wooster Square Cooks allows participants to exchange recipes, talk about food memories, and show off their cooking and baking skills.
Wooster Square Monument Project
The Wooster Square Monument Project is dedicated to preserving and showcasing the rich history and cultural significance of Wooster Square, located in New Haven, Connecticut. The project aims to create a public space that celebrates the neighborhood's Italian American heritage and serves as a gathering place for community members. The website provides information about the Wooster Square Monument, its history, and plans for the future, including fundraising efforts to bring the project to life. It also offers updates on the progress of the project, upcoming events, and opportunities for community members to get involved.
Wooster Square Neighborhood Heritage Exchange
A facebook page about what is happening that relates to the local Italian immigrants, their families, and their activities.
Wooster Square Watch
Wooster Square Watch brings together Wooster Square neighbors through sharing information to enhance public safety, address quality of life issues, and promote rewarding, neighborly relationships.To receive regular neighborhood updates, contact WoosterSqwatch@gmail.com.